xmbase-grok-1.4.1: description + notes

[This is an excerpt from the README of xmbase-grok]

xmbase-grok, formerly just called "grok", is a simple database manager and UI builder that can -

More precisely, grok is a program for displaying and editing strings arranged in a grid of rows and columns. Each row is presented as a "card" consisting of multiple columns, or "fields", that allow data entry. The presentation of the data is programmable; a user interface builder that allows the user to arrange fields on a card graphically is part of grok. Grok also supports a simple language that allows sophisticated queries and data retrieval. Grok comes with the above examples and a few others as pre-built applications.

Grok is not a general-purpose database program. It was designed for small applications typical for desktop accessories. If you attempt to run your major airline reservation system or your space shuttle project with it, you are guaranteed to be disappointed.

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